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    PIXMA E4570
4 in 1 Wifi Duplex Inkjet Printer
$220 on OEM Ink set
Price: $698
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Home > > Brother > Brother ScanNCut SDX1200
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Other Cutting Machine
Brother Brother ScanNCut SDX1200  ScanNCut
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• Scan to Cut, Direct to Cut, Fabric Cut, Pen Draw, Half-cut
• Scan Resolution:600 dpi
• Built in Designs:1303
• Wireless connectivity,USB Flash Drive,USB Cable connect with PC
Special Price:$ 4290
Color Print Speed  1.5MB
Photo Print Speed  LCD 5" Color Touch Scren
Print Resolution (dpi)  Power Start/Stop, Feed setting, Home, Ability to pause the machine with Start/Stop LED button
Print size  Low tack adhesive mat 12” x 12” (30.5 x 30.5cm)
Automatic blade holder(black)(with blade installed)*
Standard adhesive mat 12” x 12” (30.5 x 30.5cm)
Thin fabric automatic blade holder(beige)(with blade installed)*
Iron-on fabric appliqué contact sheet(white backing)
High tack fabric support sheet
Pen holder*
6 colour pen set*
Erasable pen set*
Touch pen(stylus)*
Accessory bag
Power cord
Cardstock(sample sheet:navy 12" x 12" (305mm x 305 mm)
Product safety guide
Quick reference guide
Getting started guide
Other Features  531 x 215 x 173mm
Scanner Type  6kg
Scanner Resolution  1 year carry-in warranty
Scan size  11.7" x 11.7"
*11.7 x 24" with optional mat (297 x 610mm)
Mono Copy Speed  max 0.8 mm (may vary depending on the type of materials used)
Color Copy Speed  max 3mm (may vary depending on the type of materials used)
Copy Resolution  Fully automatic
Zoom ratio  Adjustable Cutting Speed, manual selection on the machine
Other Features  Fully automatic
Speed  Cuts material up to 3mm:
Fabric; Paper: Printer/ Scrapbook/ Cardstock/ Velum/ Tracing/ Poster board;
Fabric: Thin cotton/ Flannel/ Felt; Others: Magnet/Sticker/Seal/Thin wooden board/Thin plastic board/Leather/Artificial Leather
Fax memory  12" x 24" (305 x 610 mm)
Speed Dialing  Full color
Auto redial  3 mm (max)
Fax broadcast  600 dpi
Junk fax barrier  Gray or Color
Other  Darker/Lighter
Remote retrieval  Frame Types (11)
Fax forwarding  Detection type: Outline,
Detection type: Region,
Detection type: Line (Thinning)
Photo Printing 
Display  Yes
Paper handling 
Paper handling standard,input  8 (English/ German/ French/ Dutch/ ltalian/ Spanish/ Russia/ Japanese)
Paper handling standard, output  On/Off
Duplex printing  No
Media sizes  On/Off
Media types  Able to change by drag/drop operation
Media weight  Grid measurement
Auto Document Feeder Capacity  1303
Connectivity, standard  100
Minimum system requirements  17
Compatible operating systems  Select / move designs on the LCD using the stylus
Other Features 
Printer memory, standard  Add other designs
Dimensions  Designs can be enlarged or reduced
Weight  Yes
Ink4home is a registered trademark. Other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
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  1. 購買指定推廣型號之發票正本
  2. 包裝盒上完整的機身條碼貼紙
  3. 換領通知信 (成功申請後會以郵寄方式送出)


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完成保養登記後,客戶可以登入會員頁面並從左面目錄選擇"免費禮品換領登記及記錄",只要是符合以上換領條款之產品便可登記,請填妥附有*號之資料,然後按"提交" a) 機身編號為包裝箱上條碼貼紙之最後9個字元,下方為不同產品之條碼貼紙樣式。 b) 請小心填寫表格資料。資料一經遞交,如顧客要求更改資料,顧客必須提供有關資料予Brother香港以作核實。

成功提交表格後,系統會提示閣下的換領參考編號及留意本公司會於60天內郵寄換領信到閣下所提供之郵寄地址 a) 需保留發票正本及包裝盒上機身條碼以換領禮品 b) 如有任何疑問,可電郵到











剪下包裝箱上完整的機身條碼貼紙 - 必需具有機身編號及產品編碼 (適用於打印機)



以下機型享以下優惠: Brother MFC L3760CDW/ Brother DCP L3560CDW/ Brother HL L3280CDW/


以下機型享以下優惠: Brother MFC L2885DW/ Brother MFC L2805DW/ Brother HL L2460DW/ Brother HL L2440DW

如何換領推廣禮品, 請瀏覽